Nov 8, 2011

MOT 2011

 This past weekend, I went to "Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo" which is one of the well designed architecture in Tokyo. Two expositions are held at the museum.
 The one is "Architectural Environments for Tomorrow - New Spatial Practices in Architecture and Art". Some well known architects install some installations into the exposition.
These are steps that an architectural industry is needed or needs to think deeply and to change a way to construct with environments lately. This past decade, people have been educated and have learned so much things about the environment and also ourselves. Then, people have tried to get better and to change what we already have. So, you may see some those steps the architects have taken.

 Then the other one is "Berlin 2000-2011: Playing among the Ruins". As that title, it focuses on Berlin where a centre of young artists from the world recent year. I've been there four years ago, and I was impressed by that there are a lot of new arts over the city and even there are actually so many good creations. Moreover, you may feel powerful hungry energy. You may also feel the same energy from the exposition too.

If you are in Tokyo, visit the museum to feel the energy and to get inspirations.

Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo :
Architectural Environments for Tomorrow :
Berlin 2000-2011 :

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