Oct 31, 2011

Rock the Autumn

Rock music is for summer. That's the image. Many rock feats are held in summer time around the world, and here in Japan too. That's the trick we think it so. But autumn, which is the time when quite a lot of new albums comes out just before the Christmas time, is for Rock music too. Why? Rock music has beautiful ballads with sentiment and pathos. 
This year is the same as usual. However, actually, this year has had astonishing rock albums so far. Such as Staind, Limp Bizkit, Theory of a deadman, Cold, Evanescence, 3 Doors Down, Seether... so on so. And even some other will come out soon like Korn, Daughtry... and off-cause NICKELBACK!! I post this almost only one reason for saying "NICKELBACK is coming!!". I love them so much so, I just can't wait for listening new one, which is called 'Here and Now'.
 Actually, the albums I listed above are so good. Two self-titled albums are so powerful and easy to understand why it's self-titled, especially Staind's. They've proved why they have dominated for over a decade. You may think they are back, if you listen two other albums. Especially if you have been rockin' more than 10 years before. Yeah! They seem to me to be back on track. 
Anyway. One thing is crystal clear that there are massive of greate new albums, listen them out and enjoy. 
Nickelback's new album "Here and Now" on iTunes
Staind's new album "Staind" on iTunes
Evanescence's new album "Evanescence" on iTunes
Cold's new album "Superfiction" on Official Music Store
Limp Bizkit's new album "Gold Cobra" on on iTunes
Daughtry's new album "Break The Spell" on Official Music Store

Oct 28, 2011


From 2010 to 11, one "IDOL group" conquers music charts and TV program completely. Then, it became the nation-wide idol group. After the beginning of its triumph, there are so many sisterly groups and the same groups which have the same concepts. And even quite lots of Korean girls groups have exported to Japan and earn popularity and fame. Therefore, now in Japan every girl wants to be in a idol group.
 And now its popularity is in Asia, such as Singapore, Vietnam, Taiwan and anywhere. Japan has a rich history of IDOL. Then people now is thinking it's one of "Cool Japan" thing...
 Whether you like or not, their plenty of appearances last longer than haters reckon. However, there are so much things that you may learn the business. Especially for abroad, it'd be a showcase as exporting "Cool Japan" things. Watch it out.

Oct 18, 2011

What is 'COOL Japan'?

 Do you recognize the word 'Cool Japan'? Lately, you can hear and see the word on TVs, magazines or anywhere, whether you are interested in Japan or not. I just don't know how the word be absorbed into the world. And actually what is it and how to work?
"COOL Japan" is about things which Anime, Manga, fashion, architectures, pop arts, traditional crafts, electrical devices, technology, life style; especially foods, and something Japanese proud of as Japanese, culturally. So, now, why is the word all over?

 After the millennium, technolgical innovation rapidly had improved and a wave of the globalization came as much faster as we expected. However, Japanese had an disadvantage... Yes, we had a wall of language. English had still been a difficulty for many Japanese. Then, after a decade, we still have the same problem but many people even have broken the wall down. And finally, they've realized a fact of what we have.
Combining the late economical turmoil and the downturn, both of the economy and the society, it made us to find something we rely on and proud of. Several probe we had to inside, now the time to search to the contrary.

 At last, Japanese folk reassures how rich culture Japan has. And more over that, Japan discovers itself and realizes having a huge energy to change the world just a little bit.
Whether the authority do something more for it or not, young creators may build a new age on the traditions as COOLer as it used to be.

Oct 13, 2011

Tokyo Creative Week

 In this month, 20th to 30th Oct., 2011, Tokyo becomes a cultural spot in this 11 days.
It's the completely total-package. Yes!! You may experience entire Japanese cultural, traditional and modern things. These are not only about "ART"s. For instance, Japanese traditional tea ceremony, orchestras, movies, many variety of live events such as music and performances, installations, talk events and so many more than your guessing... Holy!! There are absolutely massive of things you may see, touch, feel, listen, discuss and love.
 In Tokyo, wherever you go, you may take fresh inspirations. So, why don't you come to Tokyo and be part of it. I know... there is no reason you to deny it.

Tokyo Creative Week Official WEB-site : http://www.tokyofuturesketch.jp/