Jan 16, 2013

One Day in 365

 This past Monday, 14th January, 2013, was an annual holiday for celebrating age of 20-years-old that's called "Coming of Age Day" in Japan. The festivity is to celebrate a person becoming an adult and to be realized a person taking its own responsibility. And the same day, this year, Tokyo, also Kanto area, got huge amount of snow. Japan is a small country as size but not small like weather is all the same at any places in the country. At north part of Japan like Hokaido, Aomori, Nigata, there's snowing in winter season but at the south it' not much. At Tokyo, snowing normally is only one day in 365 days and even its amount is usually just a few, like 1 cm deep or around. However this year's snowfall was a 8cm deep that's been 17 years. Just a 8 centimeter but in Tokyo that's totally big deal! It matters a lot, especially transportation. Actually at the day, there were delays and cancellation for every kind of transportation. Tokyo is so weak for snowing. So, if you come Japan in winter, you'd better check a day for snowfall has been coming already.

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