Jul 25, 2012

Free Paper in Tokyo

 Tokyo has some free papers or magazines. Those are usually collaborated with sort of retailing companies, and published by huge publishers sometimes. It means there are not so much free papers for communities by communities. That's really sad sometime, but thinking of other way, there are well  qualitiy free papers because of publishers.
 "Metro min." is one of distinguished free papers in Tokyo which is distributed by a company owning Tokyo Metro and published by a publisher. It contains a lot of trends based on the metro stations. However their articles aren't  all about metro. And what so impressive is usually main articles are edgy, stylish and one step ahead of trends. It sounds so cool, doesn't it? However if I might complain, it would be that the paper dessapire so fast as like a lightning. 2 days later its distribution, it's all gone. So, now I'm thinking of a derively order, it means the paper isn't free anymore, but I really want to check it every month inspire of the payment.
 If you are interested in it, check it at Metro stations 20th every month.

Metro min. Official WEB-Site(Japanese) : http://www.metromin.net/

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