Jun 19, 2012

Gyoko Underground Gallery

 In between Marunouchi-building and Shin-Marunouchi-building which  are the centre of the Tokyo-Marunouchi area there is a gallery for free. It's located exactly between the both, and under the Gyoko street which the empire place to the special gate for Emperor of Tokyo station. Actually it's an isle connecting between Marunouchi metro station and Nijuubashi metro station. How practical it is. You may see some art-works when you just pass through the isle for the train.  The permanent exhibition is about photography of the past at Marunouchi called "Marunouchi in Pictures". You may enjoy the past and present of Marunouchi by the photos. That's the permanent one, but in many occasion there is exhibition collaborated with event around the area. And sometime's different like on 22nd  June, 2012. There will be a market called "Marunouchi Gyoko Marche". So you may buy veggies and anything good at the centre of a business district. It's quite interesting. So, just check it out when you pass through.

Gyoko Underground Gallery Official WEB-Site(Japanese) : http://www.gyokochika.com/

Jun 12, 2012

Bread conquers Rice

 On 3rd June, 2012, there is a news which is about that purchases of breads par one family conquers rice's first ever in the history.
 The article shows a difference between a summarized amount of purchase for bread and rice last year. It says average of payment for bread was ¥28,368 = $354.60 ($1 as ¥80) and for rice was ¥27780 = $347.25. It analyzes why it happened is that because of changing life-style, people not cooking rice but buying at convenience-store and also price of imported wheats getting higher than before world-widely.
 For me, it's really interesting because I love breads more than rice. I haven't cooked rice even scarcely have eaten, but I buy breads a lot. Every single of week, I visit a lot of bakeries, so... Yes, Tokyo has too many bakeries which beautifully good breads serving. Actually Tokyo should be famous as breads moreover France and Germany, I reckon. If you like breads, why don't you come down Tokyo and find your favourite shops, I may guarantee you that you may definitely find the ones. Because, Tokyo is "Bread Heaven"!