Last week, Tokyo Sky Tree, which is the highest broadcasting tower in the world right now, is opened. Also a shopping mall beneath the tower called "Sora-machi", translated directly "sky town", is opened and then millions and millions people has visited in the first one week. Official number of visitors at the both the tower and the mall is 1640000 for the first one week, over 200000 par a day, 85000 is only for the tower. Only what I can say is "Wow!!". I actually visited there this past week-end and saw that crazily packed the mall by people. It's just unbelievable. However, despite of the amount of people, looking at the tower from right under the tower, it's impressive and astonishing besides I don't like that the tower's design.
If you have a reservation for going to the tower's upper deck or not, why don't you visit to see the ginormous structure.
## Until 10th July, 2012, you need a reservation for going to the tower's upper deck.
Tokyo Sky Tree Official WEB-Site :